Thursday, February 19, 2015

DNA Projects

Just had two snow days! Came back thinking things might be chaos, but surprisingly the students were able to finish up the DNA project and present. For the project the students had to either make a model of DNA, draw a blue print, or come up with a museum tour presentation about DNA. Overall it was successful! The tour was the hardest and mostly the students did PowerPoint type presentations and the idea of a tour got lost. But for the model "dream house" and blueprint of a "building" I had some great results. Below are some pictures of the student projects.The pictures show the finished products, however the students also had a written description component and they verbally presented. I liked that this project gave the students the opportunity to really visually see what DNA looks like and what the parts are. I also think that this will help them understand how DNA splits when we get to DNA replication. I was pleased with how this project turned out and with a few revisions, I will definitely do it again next year.
Model 1

Model 1

Blueprint 1

Model 2

Blueprint 2

Model 3

Model 4  

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