The first one is a classic and fairly straightforward but it is a great note taking tool to teach! I've heard it called Cornell notes and also two column notes. All you do is have the students take notes on a reading where they record the main idea in one column and then 3 details/evidence in the other column. I also add a box at the bottom of the page where the students write a brief summary. I think the key with this strategy is to model what you mean by main idea, details, and summary. Also start with a very easy, high interest article. It's easy to assume that students know how to write a summary. But I've found this is often not the case!
My 2nd strategy is more of a writing strategy and also helps with processing. I may have talked about it before but it's a great tool in the classroom and can be used in multiple ways. It's called powerwrite. All that happens is you give the students a topic or a word and time them for 2 minutes. They have to write about the topic for the entire two minutes. They can write in complete sentences, bullet, or draw pictures. As long as they don't stop. I don't ever grade the powerwrites for accuracy. But after each one I have random students share with each other. And then sometimes I have random students share with the whole class. This helps to keep them accountable!
The new school year has started and I'm excited!! Welcome back!!
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