Saturday, September 1, 2012

An outlet for cluttered thoughts

I teach high school science and I think I do a pretty good job. I certainly do not claim to be an expert. But after 3 years, I still enjoy going to work and being in my classroom is still exciting. I must be doing something right. This blog is not meant to be about tooting my own horn. I have my fair share of frustrations and struggles. This blog is supposed to be an outlet for my thoughts and ideas. On my 30 minute drive to school yesterday my mind was going a mile a minute...planning my lessons, thinking of strategies, revising a PowerPoint, going through every possible behavior scenario, and reviewing my to do list. My racing mind is sometimes almost unbearable to manage. But then one thought filtered through the mud in my brain. "What if I were to take 30 minutes a few times a week just to sit and muddle through the mess in my head." And I decided to put it into writing. So this is a blog of my thoughts on teaching, things that work for me in the classroom, ideas for engagement, and a record of what doesn't work. This is a diary of the craziness smashing against the walls of my skull when I teach and think about my classroom!

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