I'm sitting here on my long break for Thanksgiving, and it's hard to think about school. So this will just be a quick literacy strategy post.
Again I don't know the name...It's a pretty simple reading activity and doesn't take much prep. I actually took it from another teacher when I was watching his class for him. So it could be an easy lesson to leave for a substitute.
I had the students read an article. In this case it was about the history of beer and wine making to introduce fermentation. But you could use anything! The students read and recorded connections, main ideas, and then wrote summaries. Then I put them in groups of 4. They had a worksheet with 4 boxes. They had to go around and share/write in a box. Each student had to write one comment in each of the boxes. The boxes were, "I wonder...?", "Some connections I made were...", "Wow it's really cool that..." , and "new words with definition".
It seemed to get the students talking and
discussing. Just a small strategy to encourage reading in your classroom.
In 2 weeks I'm going to try a comic again. I'm supposed to be filmed doing it. I'm nervous...I've struggled with comics in the past! But I really want to get it to work. We'll see! Hope for the best!