Spring semester seems off to a good start. It's hard to believe there are only 3 weeks until spring break. The spring semester always flies by. This semester I'm teaching intro/environmental chemistry, a section of biology, and a really cool class called road trip nation. The road trip nation is focused on career exploration. I'm adding an emphasis on STEM careers and doing a experimental design research project.
But I wanted to talk about my water unit in chemistry. It has been really fun! I've done two field trips, one to the local water treatment plant and one was a tour through a local tunneled creek. Lots of engagement. The students created designs for rain harvesting systems and explored the energy put into making plastic water bottles. To top it all off it has become a cross-curricular project. It is so exciting when you do something that all the teachers are into! It really helps to create teacher engagement. And when teachers are excited students are usually engaged and interested as well! So unit 1 was great! I'll post pics of the rain harvesting brochures. Hurray for cross-curricular excitement!